We urgently need your help please


This is not normally something we do and it has been a long time since we did any fundraising but in the coming months it would be nice if we could help people who will be struggling with costs, especially those who have lost their jobs after Christmas; we need to be able to help those who have genuinely fallen foul of the legislation, not those who simply didn’t want to exempt their dog.  Sadly, we believe this will have far reaching consequences for many more innocent owners and we would like to be in a position to help them

We know this is just after Christmas and everyone is recovering from the expense but if anyone could spare a couple of ££ we would be very grateful.

If you can help, our PayPal address is treasurer@deednotbreed.org.uk or you can scan the QR code.

Our bank details are:
Deed Not Breed
Sort code: 60-83-71
Account number:44598201

Thank you in advance